It’s time to break out your business cards again!

My Top Ten Tips for Business Card Design

As lockdown eases from the Pandemic here in the UK and we start to actually physically network and meet with other business people now is a great time to review and reconsider those aging business cards of yours!

Never underestimate the power of a great business card and what it can do for you. It portrays the personality and image of you and your company and can be the difference between getting that sale. Not forgetting the importance of that FIRST IMPRESSION. With that in mind….

Here are my top ten tips for business card design in 2021.

1. Be memorable!
Professionals and consumers see numerous business cards during their travels so make your card a memorable one. Put on your creative thinking cap and customise every detail of your card according to the audience you are marketing to and the services you are marketing. Anyone can hand out a standard business card but the professional who expresses their organisation’s message and personality through their card will have the edge on the competition.

2. Worth the weight!
The weight and texture of your card is the first thing someone notices when it is handed to them. Handing out a thin, flimsy card will signal that you put little thought and even less effort into the development it. Use high-quality cards with a glossy or matte finish for a sharp look that will call your audience to action. You can also use vertical business cards to stand out among your competitors.

3. Use the back of your card
It’s important to give your cards as much leverage as possible, so use all available space, including the back. While the back content should be secondary in importance to contact information, you can include product information, customer testimonials, guarantees, USP’s etc. Business cards are small and supply us with limited space but it is important space. Don’t waste it.

4. Face up to the challenge!
Adding your photo to a business card can be a great way to build trust, especially if you’re working in an industry where a personal relationship is important. Trust is the key to a lasting and profitable business relationship and giving your organisation a face can help this along.

5. Back to basics!
It may seem obvious, but some people fail to list all the necessary information on their business cards. The basic elements of a business card include

  • Name
  • Title
  • Company name
  • Telephone number
  • Website address
  • Social media information

Try not to list more than one phone number on your card as too much information can cause confusion. Lead with your company’s name and, space permitting, include a clear, concise positioning statement or tagline.

, It’s time to break out your business cards again!

6. Mix and Match!
The branding, logo and colours on your card should be a match to your other marketing materials, such as your website, signage and stationary. The trick is to make the connection between your business card and the other places your prospect will have seen your marketing. Remember the card should compliment your other marketing touches.

7. Different strokes for different folks!
Businesses marketing to a wide-ranging audience should consider creating more than one business card design for their personnel. For example, a florist could tailor one card to target the wedding industry and another for the funeral industry. Your company needs to be all things to all people so why not have multiple card designs when you have to influence very different audiences with very different needs? The small amount of money spent developing the additional cards will pay for itself in the form of the extra business gained.

8. Size matters!
Never use font smaller than 8-10 point on your business cards.  While it’s great to be stylish, avoid using an ultra fancy font that’s on the verge of being illegible. Make sure the print on your card blends properly with its background colour and design. When it comes to actual card size I recommend you stay within the standard size for cards. Portrait and Landscape are fine. Also unusual shapes can be very effective. I just recommend you stay consistent with the traditional business card sizes.

9. Blow your horn!
Tell the world if you or your organisation has won awards. Proudly list any awards on the front or back of your card as it can only enhance your contact’s interest in doing business with you. Whether you are an MD, or PhD, list your qualifications and professional status. It won’t take up much space and it will signal that you are knowledgeable and experienced.

10. Quality counts!
Every element of your marketing activity should reflect its potential return. Business cards are a big part of your marketing message and form a big part of your first impression. I found the more expensive my cards the more considered I became about how and where I used them. Quality over quantity. My business card has NEVER failed to get a positive reaction and a great first impression. 

No matter what your budget is, I hope these simple tips will help you design a killer business card that captures the imagination and attention of your prospects and customers.

Your feedback and views are always welcome.

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