Would you like to know what the five most persuasive words are?

Because whether you are writing some free copy, creating a new advert or simply in a sales meeting, knowing, understanding and using these key words at the right place and time can instantly improve the odds of securing the outcome of your objective. So let’s have a look at them and see how they work and why.

1. You
It is well written that the word YOU is one of the most powerful words in all of advertising. Much study has been done to confirm we respond to the word YOU more than any other when it comes to being persuaded to buy something.

It does go further, we actually prefer to see our own name even more than the word YOU. We will often pay for personalisation, nothing lights up our brain activity more than seeing our own name in print. So the message here is collecting names on your marketing campaigns is really important.

Of course this isn’t possible with generic advertising or copy, so the word YOU comes closest to engaging our self –perception and identity.


2. Free

Everybody loves free right?

People love free stuff so much they’ll actually make different choices, even when the respective value of the item or service remains the same. Tests have shown we will often overlook a better quality product that has been reduced in price for an inferior product that is given away for FREE.

For many years I have delivered half day business seminars completely FREE of charge because it attracted lots of interest. But there is always a danger when you give something for nothing.

The danger of free: Having something for free will attract more people. But that will most certainly include a fair share of “bargain hunters” who aren’t likely to turn into customers that will grow your business. It can also create a sense of no perceived value, so it is important to ensure you demonstrate just because it’s free doesn’t mean it has no value.


3. Because

A well-known principle of human behaviour says that when we ask someone to do us a favour we will be more successful if we provide a reason. People simply like to have reasons for what they do.
Studies have confirmed that we are nearly 50% more likely to achieve a positive outcome if we state a reason for what we want to achieve.

For example.
In a supermarket queue “Excuse me, I only have a few items would you mind if I moved in front of you?” About 60% of us would say yes.

However when positioned like this “Excuse me, I only have a few items would you mind if I moved in front of you, because I only have a very short lunch break?

Despite this small and often irrelevant excuse we tend to say yes more often. In fact over 93% would give permission when a reason is provided.

Many companies are proud of the features that their product (or service) can offer, but you have to remember that when you are focusing on writing persuasive copy, it all comes down to answering your customer’s #1 question: What’s in it for me?

Remember to use the “because” word when pointing out the compelling reasons to buy from you, but make sure you include all your features and benefits too.


4. Instantly

We live in a world where we all want things yesterday! – A line I am often heard to say is “Money Loves Speed”

Several studies have shown how fired up our brain gets when we envision instant rewards. Words like “instant,” “immediately” and “fast” are triggers for flipping the switch on that mid-brain activity.

For those in the physical products or services business, reminding customers that they will receive their product quickly (or someone will get in touch with them ASAP) can go a long way in being the gentle push they need to buy.


5. New

The important things to consider here are which parts of your business generate trust, and which parts generate utility. It’s your brand that creates trust and your products are what customers get utility out of. Stagnant and dated offerings are your first class ticket to a bored and disillusioned customer base.

Retain your core brand elements like your USP, guarantees and customer service promises if things are going well.

With your products, it’s far easier to excite customers with new lines, new features, new ranges and new styles.

New fixes to old problems, new features and improvements, a fresh new design, or even new ways of getting your message out there are all essential for keeping your customers excited, without losing the trust that has cemented you as a great brand in their mind.


So there you have it. Five AWESOME words to start using in your copy, advertising and marketing in general. You should start using them today, and BECAUSE it’s completely FREE to experiment I am confident YOU will INSTANTLY start to see the results with lots of NEW business for YOU

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