Do you have a SAT-NAV for your Business?

Question – Do you honestly have a documented, clearly defined set of goals for your business and an achievable plan to get you there?

I know you understand the value of planning. Unfortunately, in today’s busy business environment, most business owners never manage to put the time aside to get the essential planning done that will enable them to take their business to the level they desire. Because of this, far too many business owners – just like you – end up feeling frustrated and trapped with no end in sight.

So, during 2010 I am going to provide 2-3 afternoon sessions throughout the year where I will help you put together a plan that you can actually take away with you. ON THE DAY….

FIRST ONE  – Friday 26th March 2010 – 12.00 noon to 16.30

For just £50

I’ll give you ALL this…

  • Goals for the next 12 months to aim at.
  • A clearly defined plan for the next 90 days.
  • A marketing plan to support the delivery of your goals.
  • A step by step guide to keeping you on track.
  • Some marketing strategies to help you build your profits right away.
  • The skills and tools to get more done in less time.
  • A list of your top 5 goals for the next 90-Days.
  • Help & advice from an award winning performance coach.
  • Network with other like-minded business owners.
  • Lunch, tea and coffee throughout the afternoon!
  • My personal guarantee that if you don’t feel you have had  good value for money I will refund your £50 (no questions asked)

This is a workshop environment, fewer people, more 121 time with the coach and a hands on experience for you and your business plans.

For just £50+VAT you will go away with a clearer understanding of your destination for 2010 and how you plan to get yourself there.

These workshops are designed for smaller groups. Consequently they SELL-OUT fast… So don’t delay book today and reserve your place, before the competition does!….

To book your place today BOOK HERE – OR – Call me on 02392 423218

, Do you have a SAT-NAV for your Business?

, Do you have a SAT-NAV for your Business?

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