Creating Amazing AdWords Adverts
Ever wondered how to make your AdWords adverts REALLY stand out? Well here’s how!
To start with, make sure your headline closely matches the product or service you are creating the current Ad Group for. Do this by placing the keyword in the heading. Consider that an Ad Group should be only for a handful of keywords, to ensure that the keywords within the advert will show in bold and will ensure your potential client recognises that you sell what he/she is looking for.
You have just 2 more lines of text to try to entice your potential client to visit your website. Each line will have 35 characters. So let’s make it count!
Verbs are very powerful – ideally strong verbs, so use wherever possible. For example – don’t use Learn, use Master. Don’t use Find use Get or Attract. Use as strong verbs as you can for greater Click Through Rate (CTR)!
Note the capitalisation I have used above – this is deliberate. Capitalisation will make a different to CTR – feel free to run your own tests but I can guarantee that writing in Title Case (capitalising the first letter of every word) will improve CTR substantially.
The list below are recognised as the most powerful words in the English language (taken from a Yale University study) so try using one or more of these in your adverts:
- You
- Money
- Save
- New
- Results
- Easy
- Health
- Safety
- Love
- Discovery
- Proven
- Guaranteed
The rest of your advert could explain the features of the product or service in line 2, and then the benefit in line 3. You could try using this section of the advert to detail financial information such as prices or minimum order levels. Including prices here will have the added advantage of disqualifying anyone looking for a free or cheap solution from visiting your site.
Numbers or dates also really work at making your advert stand out – which will increaseCTR. For example if you have an open day running – give the date in the advert. Just remember to keep regularly updating your advert with new dates, as out of date adverts will actually decrease CTR!
Remember you can use the display URL creatively – it doesn’t have to just say your website but you can use it for including some keywords at the end – eg
Don’t be afraid to try something totalling different – remember you should be split testing ads continually to see what works! Here’s a couple of examples:
PPC Management
Don’t Throw Money Down The Drain!
Expert Processes, Qualified Staff
Local Locksmith – Bristol
Just £80 Fixed Fee- 30 Mins Arrival
Any Quote Beaten! 24H 07883 448936
So go and try some different ads today, and come back and let us know how you get on!
About the author:
Claire Jarrett is the owner of Marketing By Web, who are based in Bristol, UK employing 7 full-time staff. Marketing By Web offer both PPC Management and AdWords Courses for those who prefer to learn how to manage AdWords themselves.