3 Unexpected Business Benefits Of Writing A Book

3 Unexpected Business Benefits Of Writing A Book – Written by The Book Mentor Karen Williams

, 3 Unexpected Business Benefits Of Writing A BookYou may have noticed that writing a book is the in-thing for many coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers. If you’re wondering what the attraction is for many of these experts, then I’d like to give you an insight.

As a book mentor, I work with many people who have a dream to get their message out and see their name on the front of a book cover. And the book itself is the end result of working with me, and there are many unexpected benefits of writing a non-fiction book that helps them to build their business. Here are 3 of them.

1. You’ll be able to sell yourself more effectively

Many people want to put everything they know into a book, but the most effective and successful books focus on one particular topic and one specific ideal reader.

When I work with clients, one of the things that I focus on first is helping them to get clear on their message, defining their ideal client and how this book is going to help them. We make sure that their book is aligned to their business before they even start to write it.

Clarity of what you’re writing not only has an impact on the finished book, it also helps to improve your networking pitch, website copy, and even how you promote yourself to prospective new clients.

2. You’ll attract more referrals and recommendations

When you’re clear on your message, guess what? Everyone else gets clearer on what you do. And once your book has been published, even more people will get to hear what you have to say.

All of this will help attract more referrals and recommendations. A good book will establish you as an expert in your field, and this also helps you to stand out from your competitors, especially those who haven’t yet written a book.

Having a book will allow you to do this in a non-pushy way. For example, seeking endorsements and recommendations will get you in front of the right people and lead to great social proof.

3. You’ll become a magnet for new opportunities

When people get what you do, you’ll find that you start to attract more opportunities that you’d love to do, especially when you start to leverage your knowledge.

I can give you many examples from my own clients, like one who was approached to run workshops in her niche all around the UK, another who was asked to do a TedX Talk, and others who have had TV, radio, speaking, podcast interviews and media opportunities, simply as a result of making the decision to write a book.

A book is also an easy way for people to get to know you before engaging with you personally. And as long as you provide a way for your readers to take further action, then it will automatically lead to more business.

Build your business by writing a book

If you’d like to find out how to build your business by writing a book, then grab a copy of Karen’s new book Book Marketing Made Simple, which is launching on Wednesday 7 June with bonuses worth hundreds of pounds on this date only. Go here for the details – www.bookmarketingmadesimple.com.

Karen Williams – The Book Mentor

, 3 Unexpected Business Benefits Of Writing A BookKaren Williams is the Book Mentor at Librotas. She works with business experts who want to write a non-fiction book that grows their business, raises their credibility and attracts higher-paying clients.

Karen is the author of 5 business books: Book Marketing Made Simple, The Mouse That Roars, Your Book is the Hook, How to Stand Out in Your Business and The Secrets of Successful Coaches.

Many thanks to Karen for guest blogging this week… Please feel free to comment, like and share. If you would like to guest blog here, please do drop me a line and lets see if we can include you here too. Ian Dickson

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