Quick Cash Flow Tips

Quick Cash Flows

01. Test & Measuring System – for everything
02. Improve Conversion, Use Phone Scripts – Incoming and Sales
03. Put Prices Up
04. Add on Sale – Cross sell & Up sell
05. Public Relations Article
06. Direct Mail to existing Clients with telemarketing backup
07. Cold Phone Call – Use script
08. Extend Supplier Credit – or any other creditors
09. Pre paid sales
10. Use Debt Collection Agency
11. Closed Door Sales – bring a friend
12. Packaged offer – Quick moving line with slow moving line
13. Product Range add on sale – limited campaign (this week only)
14. Reverse Host Beneficiary (sell other peoples product for % )
15. Increase stock turns – stock rationalisation (slow stock out )
16. Events – novelty events to generate publicity
17. Sell excess assets
18. Small ads – classified – spot ads – for lead generation
19. Sales Team Incentives
20. Split level Pricing
21. Referrals – Have a referral or non referral price

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