Here are 5 great reasons why you could use a VA

Here are 5 great reasons why you could use a VA

, Here are 5 great reasons why you could use a VA

Right now the world has been hit by an unprecedented set of circumstances that has made us all take a long, hard look about the way we work, how we work and why we do what we do.

As an entrepreneur, I am used to working remotely, from odd locations, hot locations, cramped locations and to luxurious places that fuel the ‘laptop lifestyle’ dream.

As a virtual assistant I am well placed, and experienced, to pick things up online.  I am able to juggle more than one ball at a time, whilst home-schooling in the background.  Managing multiple tasks is in my DNA and being (mostly) unflappable and resourceful is a great skill that can be beautifully applied to my customers to help them through difficult times.

So, the first great reason is that I can be plugged into your online business straight away, with no onboarding costs.

As I’m used to working online I can help you get systems set up in place to make sure that you are web-ready and that your teams can effectively communicate.  I can quickly assess your needs and get you started on team-collaboration tools without you needing to stop the day job.

This doesn’t need to be hugely expensive – there are many great resources out there (in face Microsoft Teams is offering a 6 month free trial right now).  I can help you quickly assess and implement new tools that you may not have considered before to make you more efficient.

So, the second great reason is that I can get you and your staff and customers linked up using tools and systems really quickly.

It’s possible that you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed.  I totally get that.  As a business owner myself (I’ve been running companies for 15 years) I have been in situations that have made my head feel like it is about to explode.  I can be a calm voice of reassurance trickling into your world, and can oversee things like correspondence going to your customers or staff with a clear head.  In other words I can stop you making costly mistakes.

So, the third great reason is that by using a VA you can have impartial assistance and offload as many stressful activities as you choose.

A VA can assist you boost your reputation.  I can help you take a look at what you can be doing right now to promote yourself that can provide value to others, and keep you in the frame.  We could create free help sheets, downloads, challenges, videos… anything that you need to get your message out there in the best way.

So, the fourth great reason is that a VA can help boost your reputation by helping with your marketing.

And lastly, no matter what the climate we are in, a VA is simply a great resource that you can call on to support your business needs without the overheads of an employed member of staff. We often work on an hourly, or per-project rate, and this allows you to be flexible with your budget.

So, the fifth great reason is that we are a cost effective resource.  We are like life rafts sailing to your rescue. 

And with The Systems Chick there will also be a lot of focus, fun and champagne on board!

, Here are 5 great reasons why you could use a VA

Special thanks go to our guest blogger – Coralie Todd – The Systems Chick and Chief Chaos Controller



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