5 Great Reasons To Continue Marketing During Difficult Times Is your business struggling at the moment? Are you looking at cutting back on overheads and considering stopping or slowing down your marketing? In this article…
Posts Taggedgreat marketing
Some Marketing Factoids For You To Consider
With so much written about marketing I thought I would put just a few simple factoids together to share some thoughts, interesting statistics and a maybe few pointers to help you on your way to generating more leads for your business. For me marketing has changed so much over the past 5-10 years. I believe it really is more about being found by your prospects than finding prospects these days….So here are a dozen factoids for you..
15 Myths and Misconceptions about Marketing
Marketing has changed over the last 5-10 years, consequently so have some of the known working strategies. There are also many myths and misconceptions to be aware of and I recommend you should avoid. So, here are my top 15 Myths and Misconceptions about Marketing