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Are you standing tall? The secret to self confidence

Did you know that others can read you like a book, even without training. I’m sure you can already pick up on others’ moods or feelings. So if you were to learn more about reading people, how much more you could pick up. How much easier would life be, and how much better would you be a communicating? There are many good books on how to portray yourself well, but let’s look a little deeper than seeing it as an act.

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10 key ingredients that UNSUCCESSFUL people have

Yep – UNSUCCESSFUL – Here are just some of the things I see in people who struggle to succeed.
I am often seen doing talks and seminars on key ingredients of successful people. Here are a few key ingredients to avoid at all costs. We can all probably associate ourselves with some of these, but I guess the question is how much and how many of these ingredients do you have. It may just be the answer you were looking for.

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