We have at our disposal 86,400 seconds every single day, we only get them once and when they are gone they are gone forever. Unlike money, which we can all earn money, spend and then…
Browsing CategoryTime Management
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
I originally posted this synopsis of The 7 habits of highly effective people back in 2009. To mark the recent passing of its great author Stephen Covey I felt it would be appropriate to repost it here today. I highly recommend his book (7 Habits) to any business owner and certainly to all my clients. It contains simple, straight forward, common sense habits that will help anyone who is running a business. I have modified the time quadrant to be represented by seats in a car (Image inserted below) and will blog this separately at some point… Anyway, here is a brief synopsis of the book written by a wise and amazing man… Stephen R. Covey 1932 – 2012
Ten Strategies for Time Management
Ten Strategies for Time Management
1. The first step is being aware of where your time is going, now.
You can’t find something you’ve lost when you don’t know where you might have lost it in the first place. So the first strategy for managing your time is to know where it’s going, now. That means actually tracking or logging your time daily, for at least 1-week (preferably 2). Track the exact time you begin and end an activity, make a note of the duration in exact minutes, and a few words to describe the activity. This step requires you to be really honest with yourself and track EVERYTHING you do in your work day so you can see where your time is really going — so if you spent 23 minutes chatting with co-workers at the coffee machine (no cheating by logging all your time in nice, even 15, 30 or 60 minute intervals) — write it down exactly.
Eat a Frog for Breakfast!
Here is a summary of the 21 Great Ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster. Review these rules and principles regularly until they become firmly ingrained in your thinking and actions and your future will be guaranteed.